Kelsey Meyer who is the Vice President of Digital Talent Agents said in her 2012 article for Forbes, “If you are a leader, you should be striving to develop knowledge to improve yourself, your company, and the people who work for you. To do anything less is to shortchange your ability to lead”. Alan McGirvan is one of those leaders who never stops reading and he’d love to share with you the knowledge he’s gained along the way.
Right now on his bedside table, Alan McGirvan is reading:
1. Victory at Villers-Bretonneux by Peter Fitzsimons
2. The Architect of Kokoda by Robyn Kienzle
3. The Feective Leader by Vicki Bennett & Ian Mathieson
4. Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy
5. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff….and it’s All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson
6. The Success Experiment by Lillian Ahenkan (AKA Flexmami)
7. D!rty French by Clautrier Rowe
As our end of financial year gift to you, we’re giving away 30 copies of The Effective Leader to the first 30 people that email
As Alan says in his video, “You can learn more, from just one good book…” So don’t miss out!